Saturday, March 28, 2009

la inocencia del ayer

After watching Spike Jonze's marvelous
Where The Wild Things Are trailer, I felt very nostalgic. Especially with Arcade Fire's poignant lyrics for the trailer's song Wake Up..."Children wake up, hold your mistake up, before they turn the summer into dust." This made me browse through my laptop and found a few snaps of some of my friends at a tender age, where things are magical and imagination is a wild thing.

photo 1: mayra guerra, gabe melton, me.
photo 2: brooke perry, cristina b. allen, ian cox
photo 3: james and mark batty, andy gaines, mayra and sandra guerra
(click on images to make bigger)

1 comment:

  1. you look the same friend! so cute :)
    i went on ur facebook to tell you something, but i got
    sidetrack with ur wonderful blog, i'm adding you to the links on my blog :)
